‘Virunthali’ hero in English film

  • IndiaGlitz, [Wednesday,August 04 2010]

After playing a rustic youth in the recently released ‘Virunthali’, his debut film, young actor Ishvar is now doing the role of a marine engineer in an English film titled ‘Dam 999’.

“It is a movie set in the backdrop of ship and the lives of marine engineers. The role sounded very interesting and I immediately grabbed the offer,” the former employee of an airline company says.

An MBA graduate, Ishvar adds, “Though I was working with an airline in Dubai, my passion had always been acting. Even at the time of doing my management post graduation, I did modeling for some leading national brands.”

On his future plans, he says, “I have no background in the industry. I am hopeful that I would be able to achieve something on my own. Acting with veterans like Nasser in my debut movie itself has given me immense confidence.”